MIFUR 2014
The 19th Mifur, the International Fur and Leather exhibition, came to an end today with 14,228 visitors who registered at the reception during the 4-day-exhibition. The total number of visitors were slightly down (-2.85%) because of a fall in Russian buyers. Nevertheless, the exhibition holds up on all the other fronts.
Russia (-10%) and the former Soviet Union are suffering for the first time since the economic boom as a result of rouble depreciation and a very warm winter. The winds of war with Ukraine have caused uncertainty among buyers that nonetheless haven’t completely failed to attend (-5.25 %). A positive sign in two years has come from the Italian market: +1% though hindered by the crisis.
Only positive signs came from the other markets during this exibition: a substantial upturn by the United States: + 48.65% at Mifur 2014. Numerous businesses from Canada were registered at the turnstiles, confirming the good conditions of its home market.The Far East, growing or stable, proved to be an important reference market in this field:
South Korea +24.05%; Hong Kong +5.30% and China +3.35%. Japan is basically stable (-1.59%). New and interesting buyers came from Mongolia. The European markets reversed last year’s trend and started to grow again: France +13.90%; Greece + 4.84%; Spain +22.08%. On the contrary, Germany continues to suffer: -7.16%.
At the closing of Mifur more than 200 Italian and foreign exhibitors reacted positively to the introduction of midweek exhibition days and declared themselves to be satisfied despite the transport strike.
Norberto Albertalli, Mifur President said: “The decision not to include Sunday among the exhibition days had caused us concerns about those buyers who traditionally took advantage of this day, in which businesses are closed, to visit Mifur. At the end of the exhibition, we are glad to point out that not only have the Italian trade visitors been numerous, but we also noticed at last their slightly increased attendance if compared with the last two years’.
‘The transport strike which took place on 5th March together with the strike of airport staff have been for us, as for the other exhibitions in Milan, very damaging. Nowadays, more than ever before, we would expect from a city such as Milan a greater attention to our productive sector which, despite the difficult economic situation of our country, constantly gives prominence to made in Italy products all over the world thus generating business. We hope that this won’t be the case with Expo 2015 in which we all believe and to which we are already eagerly and trustfully looking forward. Fortunately, in spite of the strikes, Mifur has proved once more to be the international reference event for fur and leather operators. Our exhibition has once again showcased the excellence in terms of fashion and in the creativity of top-quality products .