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American Legend Auction report

Two days American Legend Auctions.

Strong Prices on day one

Prices remained high during the first day of selling at American Legend’s May auction. The auction began with Blackglama males selling firm to slightly stronger compared to March. Greece was the leading buyer with support from Hong Kong/China.  American Legend Mahogany and Ranch Wild males sold firm to slightly easier compared to March levels with buying led by Hong Kong/China with widespread support.  Breeder males concluded the auction and were 100% sold at levels that were strong compared to the regular collection.

Females sell at advancing levels

Day two of the American Legend May auction started with Blackglama females advancing 5% over March 2012 sales results.  Korea was the main buyer with very strong support from Greece and Hong Kong/China.  Mahogany females also sold at very firm to advancing levels.  Buying was dominated by Hong Kong/China but received widespread support from all major markets. Mutation mink concluded the day and sold firm to March levels with all markets active.